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The Caves of Castelcivita

The Castelcivita caves, or Spartacus caves (because of a popular narrative) are a complex of karst caves located in

 Municipality of Castelcivita, in the province of Salerno.
The Cave is unique, and it contains history but also life. In fact, it is true natural active laboratory, rich in underground environments. It is thought that the cave was continuously inhabited since the Stone Age to the Iron Age following the discovery, which occurred in recent years, of several objects of the Paleolithic age. At the moment, the cave of Castelcivita is explored to 4,800 meters in length, of which only 1.20 km are accessible to visitors. The trickle of water has created with the passing of the centuries fantastic limestone structures of various shapes such as stalactites and stalagmites. The name Cave of the Pestano Bridge comes from its vicinity to the Pestano bridge, which in antiquity was the only crossing over the river Calore connecting the city of Velia to Rome and Capua.


To describe in detail the cave is something quite charming, but even more so to see it in person. The cave is a succession of tunnels, narrow passages, salons and wells, chasing each other and sinking into fearful chasms where the horrid and the fantastic alternate in a rainbow of colors, creating a show with special surreal uniqueness : the face of a cherub, bunches of grapes, the big crib and the Pagoda, a monumental stalagmite. After a few meters walk there is the so called Guano cave. Further down, lays a large and majestic hall, the Bertarelli Cave, which houses a wonderful and elegant stalagmite column standing up vertically.
The Cave of Castelcivita is unique in its kind, and it contains life as well as history; it is a true natural laboratory active, full of underground environments ready to be discovered.