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The Way of St. Matthew

Choosing to spend a holiday at the San Giorgio farm will provide an opportunity for art lovers to discover the

 landscape and historical-art beauties of Cilento; among which Way of St. Matthew is well known. It is a spiritual path that leads to the discovery of the places that have housed the sacred remains of the apostle.
It's possible to organize three days' spiritual itineraries.
The path of the translation of the Apostle Matthew from Velia to Salerno includes 5 legs, which we will discuss in brief below:
Velia-Casal Velino-Rutino-Capaccio-Salerno.


1) The remains of the evangelist Matthew came to Velia, the first leg of the spiritual path, where they remained buried for about four centuries, in a chapel adjacent to a domus that belonged to Gavinio himself.

2) The second leg is Casal Velino. According to an established tradition, the current church of St. Matthew was home to the mortal remains of the Apostle, after the Monk Anastasio was found in the ruins of Velia.

3) The third leg is Rutino, where Bishop John of Paestum and his delegation spent the night during a trip back to Capaccio. In the town there is a source named "San Matthew" where, as noted by an inscription, water mysteriously gushed out to quench the thirsty bearers of the sacred relics.

4) The fourth leg is Capaccio. In the church-cathedral the remains of the Evangelist Matthew were laid, before they were transferred to Salerno. The event is commemorated by an epigraph in the Southern arm of the transept, where a marble urn that probably guarded the bones of the apostle is located.

5) The fifth and final leg of the spiritual itinerary is Salerno, where the relics of the saint were transferred from Capaccio, to protect them from the incursions of the Saracens. Thus, they were placed in the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli and then found their final resting place in the cathedral.